Our Story

Introduced in 2010 to educate and empower South East Queensland’s Indigenous populations against the dangers of smoking, Deadly Choices has evolved into Australia’s most successful community-focused preventative health program.

The Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH) created program aims to empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to make healthy choices for themselves and their families, including quitting smoking, eating good food, and exercising daily.

Deadly Choices also encourages Mob to access their local health service and complete a 715 Health Check every 9-12 months - normalising the practice of seeing a doctor not just when sick, but to remain healthy; access multi-disciplinary support, and prevent or better manage chronic disease.


IUIH was established by four independent Community Controlled Health Services to provide for the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

We acknowledge our founding partners, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service (ATSICHS) Brisbane Limited, Kalwun Development Corporation Limited (Kalwun Health Service), Kambu Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Health and Yulu-Burri-Ba Aboriginal Corporation for Community Health.

Since 2009, the network IUIH supports has expanded to more than 35 primary health clinics, including services offered by Moreton ATSICHS.

Using the IUIH System of Care, Aboriginal Medical Services throughout Australia are empowering Indigenous communities to take responsibility for their health through Community Controlled Healthcare Services. In this way, our network is not only improving health and life expectancy outcomes, but is laying the foundations for better education, better jobs, and safer communities for our people.

IUIH Patron, Aunty Pam Mam and family (including Brisbane Broncos player, Ezra Mam).

Health Checks

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website contains images of people who have passed away. With permission from their families, we have continued to use their images to acknowledge and honour their contributions in making our communities healthy and strong.

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