Smoke-free Futures Education PROGRAM

The Senior Smoke-Free Futures Education Program aims to empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to create a smoke-free future for our Mob.

Through building participant knowledge and understanding of tobacco and its harms, supporting them to take control of their own health and to become active community role models that encourage their community to say no to the smokes and create smoke-free spaces we can empower our Mob to make Deadly Choices. Using the promotion of preventative health focused learning experiences, the program takes a strengths-based approach to create the next generation of community tobacco champions, encouraging participants to create smoke-free environments, support our Mob in making healthy lifestyle choices and promote a smoke-free future for all. Through exploring the harms of tobacco and vaping, individuals are able to develop their knowledge of relevant, evidence-based strategies they can implement to assist someone in their quit journey, along with providing them ownership over the choices they make for their own health and wellbeing.


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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website contains images of people who have passed away. With permission from their families, we have continued to use their images to acknowledge and honour their contributions in making our communities healthy and strong.

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