Deadly Choices FNQ Touch Carnival

Join us at the Deadly Choices FNQ Touch Carnival! Divisions include U12s, U14s & Opens. 

Event Details
Date: Saturday, 29 March 2025 
Time: 8am-5pm
Location: Cairns Pirates Touch Football Association - 13 Quarry St, Aeroglen, Cairns 


Register your team here! Registrations will close, Friday 31 January. 


Touch Carnival FAQS

Under 12s (mixed) (REGISTRATIONS CLOSED)
Under 14s (mixed) (REGISTRATIONS CLOSED)
Open’s Mixed (mixed) (free registration)


Team Numbers:

Maximum 12 players per team. 

All teams must have a minimum of 3 girls on field at all times of play. 

Team lists must be submitted by Friday, 28 February. 


715 Health Checks:

All players must have an up to date 715 Health Check or proof of booking, this must be submitted by Friday, 28 Februrary. Please refer to the registration pack for submission details. 


Draw Release: 

The Official Draw for the DC Touch Carnival will be conducted by the Deadly Choices Events Team. Please note that teams will not receive the Draw until the week of the event. 


 Is there prize money?

No, Deadly Choices will be covering all cost for teams and registration includes, team uniform (Singlet and Shorts), plus lunch for all players. 


When do registrations close?

Registrations will close 31st of January. This ensure we are placing the correct sizing for uniforms for all teams.


Can you register after the 31st of January 2025?

Yes, you can! All registrations after the 31st of January will receive generic sizing for uniforms.



For more information contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This is a smoke, vape, alcohol and sugar free event.

Health Checks

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website contains images of people who have passed away. With permission from their families, we have continued to use their images to acknowledge and honour their contributions in making our communities healthy and strong.

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